It is one thing to have a beautiful garden for you and your guests to view and appreciate but if everyone can explore and intimately experience its varying aspects, it makes for a much richer and rewarding experience. Helping direct guests away from delicate areas and highlighting different features, garden paths introduce your garden's features and showcase its strengths. They are not only a means of getting around but can be an adventure in themselves, leading travelers to hidden treasures or unknown views. They are also great transitional elements, connecting disparate garden areas and helping to tie together the different areas of your garden.

Garden Path Design

Garden paths can be as simple as a line of stones marking an established dirt trail or as elegant as granite slabs intricately laid together, acting as much as a work of art as it is a functional part of your garden. No matter the complexity of the trail's design, it is best to work with the natural terrain of your garden. Take into consideration the slope (if it is steep, incorporate more turns and switchbacks), the wetness of the soil (in boggy areas, consider building boardwalks), and the surrounding plants. Also take advantage of the contours of your garden. Straight paths are quick and efficient but offer no surprises. Look for unique areas that you can highlight. If there is an unusual tree or rock, circle around it. If you have a bed of interesting plants, be sure to pass by them. Winding paths invite the guests to slow down and appreciate your garden's personality.

When constructing your path, make the main sections large enough to allow two people to walk side by side. Side paths and paths in areas of thick vegetation can be much skinnier but should allow for one person to pass comfortably. Remember that the plants near the trails will take advantage of the room to grow so plan to leave enough room to be able to pass by or expect to maintain the plants so the path remains clear.

Garden Path Materials

There are a variety of materials to create your garden path from. Which one you choose depends on several factors, including the location of the path, how much traffic it will sustain, how much maintenance you want to provide, and how much you want it to cost. Whatever garden path, garden pathways, garden walkway materials you choose, they should complement the surrounding areas. For help deciding what is best for you, contact a pavestone contractor.

Shredded bark and wood chips are less expensive and resist weeds but they can wash away and usually need to be replaced or supplemented annually. Small stones and pea gravel work well and drain efficiently but leaves and "helicopter-type" seeds get lodged easily and are more difficult to remove. There is also cedar slabs, concrete pavers, and granite, slate, or flagstone stepping stones. The stepping stones add an elegant touch but be aware of placing them in an area where they could create a slipping hazard. If the path is in an area that you want lighted, there are even stepping stones that incorporate solar lights so that you can still see your way when it gets dark.

You can also amend your path with an arbor design, low lying plants to ease the transition from the path to the garden, or borders that help keep your guests out of areas where you do not want visitors. For path ideas for your own oasis, see the Paths and Walkways photo gallery from EnhanceScape.

About the Author

EnhanceScape is the trusted resource for designing, financing, and creating your pathways and walkways . View the EnhanceScape pathways and walkways pictures. Learn more at

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