Water is essential to raising healthy and productive plants. Most plants that can be grown inside houses or in gardens need to have a steady and sufficient water supply. Excessive hydration, however, can inhibit growth, promote disease, and may eventually lead to the death of the plant.

Soil can have water damage as a result of flooding, typically the accumulation of water in a contained area over a relatively short period of time, and also though poor drainage. Thus, it is possible to damage garden soil even without the help of inclement weather. This may happen through the repeated watering of plants in containers that do not allow proper drainage.

Plants in water-logged soil have limited oxygen supply because the excess water takes-up the spaces in between soil particles, which are necessary for proper soil aeration. This lack of oxygen diminishes the plants ability to function and develop properly. Flooded soil also has a slower rate of decomposition of organic matter, which may lead to higher levels of gases such as carbon dioxide. The lack of oxygen coupled with the increased levels of poisonous gases can irreparably damage root systems.

Soil with water damage can promote root injury because water-logged soil is susceptible to erosion, which may subsequently expose roots and make plants more vulnerable to stress and diseases. Flooded soil is particularly ideal for the development of fungus-based illnesses.

While it may be quite difficult to protect plants from water damage resulting from unexpected flooding, there are ways to avoid having water-logged soil as a result of day-to-day gardening activities.

*Avoid watering potted plants excessively. Soil in containers have limited draining channels and are more likely to retain water as a result of overwatering. Elevating the potted plants through the use of crocks can improve drainage.

*Provide drainage channels in the garden. This can be done by having raised planting beds that allow excess water to run down away from the plant and by having ditches that move water out of the garden.

*Improve soil structure whenever possible. Uncontained soil can be fortified with organic matter and nutrients. Clay soil can be made to retain less water by mixing with organic matter and grit prior to planting.

It is always a good idea to plant a garden with sufficient knowledge about the topography and usual weather conditions of the area. After all, superior garden drainage and enhanced soil structure may be wasted on an area that is inherently prone to stormy weather and flooding.

About the Author

Richard Barthallo reports on issues affecting homeowners for Water Damage and Water Damage

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