If you’re trying to select garden designs or trying out a new landscaping idea, the right garden plants and accessories will set the mood you’re trying to reach. Landscape design styles come and go, but certain century-old garden styles continue to preserve their attraction.

Choosing a garden style that is right for you is a matter of choice. If you design your entire garden according to a particular style, but sometimes just a few sensibly elements call to mind a style.

Any style whether Asian, cottage, formal, and others has its own characteristic details such as particular plants, water features, and materials. Numerous features are so strongly identified with a specific style that they immediately evoke the proper mood.

Look below at these three lasting and respected garden styles, then incorporate these style elements into your garden design for the look you want.

Asian Gardens
In the Asian tradition, landscape contemplation - in the wild, in a garden, or in a scroll painting serves as a sacred experience. The Chinese and Japanese usually held sacred the space within a garden and deemed the world outside profane. A number Japanese garden designs offer a rustic landscape and contain wet or dry streams and waterfalls, bordered by ferns, moss, and contorted pines.

Lake and island style gardens, developed in China, influenced Japanese garden designs. Islands symbolized the dwellings of immortal spirits and consisted of carefully placed earth or jagged rocks set in an imitation pond.

Cottage Gardens
The informality of cottage garden designs lends them an exuberance lacking in most garden schemes, never the less the gardens are neither nor sloppy when the overall design is caringly structured.

These gardens express cheerfulness and gusto for individual plants. Cottage gardens began centuries ago as modest, fenced-in pieces of land kept by cottagers who respected treasured wild-collected plant life for its usefulness. Livestock and vegetables, berry bushes, fragrant flowers, and herbs for crafts, cooking, and medicine packed the areas.

Formal Gardens
While a love of plants or nature inspires cottage and Asian gardens, formal garden designs express the humanistic worth of people as the center of the universe. A formal garden design looks it’s greatest near a traditional-style home so the garden exaggerates the home’s architecture. Formal garden designs are symmetrical though the main alignment often leads from a specific position near the house (a balcony, front door, a stone terrace) to a focal point further away such as a pavilion, bench or sculpture. By continuing the geometry of the house outdoors, a formal garden layout makes a transition to a wild or informal landscape at the edge of the property. property’s edge.

By: Patkee

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