The mustard plant is an herb that is widely used in different cultures. The seeds are used to make mustard and the leaves and stems are frequently used in many food dishes. To many peoples surprise, there are various types of mustard plants. There are white, yellow, and brown varsities. They can be found from the Mediterranean to the Himalayan area.

Mustard is best started in early spring so that the harvest is ready in the fall. They are quite small when sprouting from the seed. They then grow at a rapid rate seemingly right before your eyes. The blooms do not take long to develop and are extremely yellow. The mustard plant grows to about six feet tall. The seedpods will begin to appear right after the flowers start to fall off. Generally speaking the mustard plant is not hard to grow. The list of garden pests that infest the plant is small. In addition, they have proven to be versatile when it comes to the weather.

The seeds of the plant have been used for years as a spice. Its recorded use dates back to 3000 B.C. According to some historians and the New Testament the seed is a symbol of faith. Both the white and brown mustard seeds have no odor but do have a pungent taste. The seeds contain up to 40% vegetable oil, the enzyme myosin, and a trace of protein.

The mustard plant belongs to the genus Brassica, which the the same as turnips, cabbages and cauliflower. Canada grows approximately 90% of all mustard sold around the world. Recently studies have been made to determine if certain mustard plants can be used in the production of biodisel fuel. This is due to the high oil content found within the seeds.

Tag : garden,home garden,garden plants,garden tree

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