You may be among those who have been blessed with the green thumb and gardening is your ultimate pleasure. You can use it to your advantage and you can even spend your time usefully and leisurely with your family. You can involve them while you are also enjoying your hobby. There is nothing more relaxing and stress relieving than having a garden that you can appreciate. It is your closest bond to nature and it is healthy and helpful too. With the garden benches, you can relax, appreciate, and get close to nature.

The Art of Gardening

Gardening is an art and a craft. It requires the growing of flowering plants and fruit-bearing trees in one's own residence, which is what is called the garden. It is not an expensive leisure but it definitely is time consuming. The garden is typically located in an open surface area within the residence or adjacent to it, although there are some that you would see on the rooftop, on the balcony, in the atrium, in window boxes, or out on the patio. Gardening helps relieve the stress that has accumulated in your mind and body. Just looking at your garden from your garden benches helps you understand and appreciate nature.

Benefits of a Garden

Maintaining a garden is not just helpful because it relieves you from stress but it also helps in the oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle. We all know that plants give off the oxygen that we humans breathe in, while the carbon dioxide that we give off are taken in by the plants. It is a mutual process, a give and take. It is also helpful in a way that the degradable wastes in your home can be used as organic fertilizers to the plants. It will yield more mature and colorful flowers which will make your garden more appealing and beautiful to look at from the garden benches.

What You Will Need

A garden in the backyard does not really require a large space, as long as there is available space. You can just add lots of plants and accessories. You will need flowering plants, vines and creepers, and fruit bearing trees, and you can also install accessories like a swing, a fountain, garden benches, water body, bird houses among others. Employ your art and designing skills to equip your garden with the perfect combination and landscape it to add more beauty.

Appreciating Nature

Now that you have your garden, nothing is more relaxing than looking at this serene view from your garden benches. It is the ultimate place to relax and rest. With the delightful view, you can put aside all the anxiety, tension, and pressures and just enjoy the scenic landscape with all the colorful and attractive flowers. Nothing is ever comforting than enjoying the limitless beauty you will see from your garden.

For your outdoor home essentials, visit the site Home Seasonal Concepts. They have a wide collection that you can choose from. Everything that you will need to set up your garden outdoor will be made easy with the items at Home Seasonal Concepts. You will never have to look anywhere else.

Tag : garden,home garden,garden benches,garden decor

The mustard plant is an herb that is widely used in different cultures. The seeds are used to make mustard and the leaves and stems are frequently used in many food dishes. To many peoples surprise, there are various types of mustard plants. There are white, yellow, and brown varsities. They can be found from the Mediterranean to the Himalayan area.

Mustard is best started in early spring so that the harvest is ready in the fall. They are quite small when sprouting from the seed. They then grow at a rapid rate seemingly right before your eyes. The blooms do not take long to develop and are extremely yellow. The mustard plant grows to about six feet tall. The seedpods will begin to appear right after the flowers start to fall off. Generally speaking the mustard plant is not hard to grow. The list of garden pests that infest the plant is small. In addition, they have proven to be versatile when it comes to the weather.

The seeds of the plant have been used for years as a spice. Its recorded use dates back to 3000 B.C. According to some historians and the New Testament the seed is a symbol of faith. Both the white and brown mustard seeds have no odor but do have a pungent taste. The seeds contain up to 40% vegetable oil, the enzyme myosin, and a trace of protein.

The mustard plant belongs to the genus Brassica, which the the same as turnips, cabbages and cauliflower. Canada grows approximately 90% of all mustard sold around the world. Recently studies have been made to determine if certain mustard plants can be used in the production of biodisel fuel. This is due to the high oil content found within the seeds.

Tag : garden,home garden,garden plants,garden tree

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Why antiques? Antique roses are those breed by species, sports, varieties, or cultivars prior to the first hybrid tea, (LaFrance) in 1867. Some people are not as strict in their interpretation of antique roses as the American Rose Society, and claim any rose 75 years or older as being old.

Why antiques? They have withstood the test of time. Many are alive and well, living in old grave yards, home sites, and near public buildings that are over 100 years old. Although some get black spot or something, they nevertheless flourish.

Why antiques? Modern day roses, especially the hybrid teas have to be pampered and babysat. Not only do they have to be fertilized, watered, and prune just right to live for any length of time. Hybrid teas are usually grafted on to other root stock. It appears to most horticulturalists they plants are hardier on their own rootstock.

Why antiques? Hybrid teas have been breed for form of flower, how well they do in vases, and repeat bloom. Fragrance, hardiness, and other great qualities have mostly disappeared, although now there are hybridizers experimentally with fragrance. I read recently of petunias being used in experiments to give hybrid teas and other new roses an old flower smell. For the most part, new roses make the ugliest of bushes, whereas the antiques are often graceful in form.

In the late 1700's to early 1800's, visitors to China, specifically botanists, brought back to the west rose that would bloom more than once a year, called remontant. They named these roses "China" Roses and "Tea" Roses. Until then, all roses in the west bloomed only once a year. These were the hardy roses, sports, and varieties grown in the Americas, Europe, and parts of Asia. These roses flourished in the wild, even.

The Chinas and Teas did very well in warm climates. In northern Europe, they could not withstand the cold. So nurserymen and other began crossing the Tea and Chinas with such native species as the dog rose, the Centifolias, Damasks, and Gallicas. The end product of all this hybridizing produced Bourbons, Grandifolias, Hybrid Perpetuals, Noisettes, Portlands, Polyanthas, etc.

Old roses look spectacular in all types of situations. The native species of rose go swell with other natives, especially on rustic, naturalistic sites. Antique roses look well in rustic garden laid out formally or informally. Most old roses look fantastic in abstract modern, baroque, or classical formal or informal gardens. The antiques set off perennials, herbs, and other shrubs in the border. They are at home on either city plots or vast estates.

So the least you can do for your one and only is to give her a rose garden. After all, Napoleon gave Josephine, "Malmaison", outside Paris, reportedly the greatest rose garden since ancient times.

Josephine had a painter who strolled around her garden painting flowers, particularly roses. His name is Redoubte and his works command a high price.

Tag : garden,rose garden,home garden,garden decor,flower garden

Are you thinking to start garden ing as a hobby? Or maybe you're planning to create your very own flower garden? That’s fantastic! There is much to be said about how gardening can be spiritually satisfying. And you'll have so much fun experimenting with flowers and the beauty and splendor they can give to your lawn or to your backyard. Here are 4 fundamental tips on how you can create a wonderfully ideal flower garden.

1. Flowers are all about colors. These colors and their hues are all about harmony and coordination. And just like your wardrobe, a careless combination of colors could turn out to be quite unattractive. Truly unsightly. You really must coordinate the colors of your flowers. In such cases then, whatever you decide to grow and cultivate will require some planning and organization. One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is about the color scheme that you’d like to have for your garden or backyard. After that, select your flowering plants according to this plan.

2. Flowers can be used to brighten and liven up the shady areas and the dim locations of your garden or backyard. Have you got a spot or an area that isn't being touched by sunlight? It just can’t be reached by the sun? You can readily enhance theses locations using better lighting to produce an explosion of colors. If flowering plants are to be used for this purpose, it’s best to select bright and vibrant colored blooms. It would be good to stay away from dark and gloomy colored flowers. They do nothing to help shady or dim areas.

3. Flower gardens often have a focal point. It may be a statue or a sculpture, a fountain or a water garden, or any type of monument or memorial. Still, if your flower garden doesn't have such a focal point, you can make use of the plants themselves as the centerpiece. Aim to decide on a specific color, and choose flowering plants that provide blooms of such a shade. Then arrange your flower garden to direct attention and interest towards a cluster of these flowers.

4. Select carefully and intelligently between annuals and perennials for your flower garden.

Annuals come into flowers and bloom only once during their lifetime—which normally lasts for a year or less. Even with this, their flowers are far more colorful and vibrant, far more fragrant and sweet-smelling, and far more grand than other varieties of flowers.

Perennials, on the other hand, bloom many times during their lifespan. This usually takes many years. Their flowers may not be as splendid as those of an annuals' blooms, but perennials are definitely easier and more convenient to grow and cultivate. This makes them a much more practical choice.

There are many more tips and guidelines to help you in starting a flower garden. Take your time. This is something that you shouldn’t rush. You’ll enjoy the process so much more.

Tag : garden,flower garden,home garden,garden plant

For relatively little money you can add a great deal of color and beauty to your garden. Wild flower seeds are purchased in bulk and offer a lot of bang for your buck. Sold in mixes of at least a couple dozen varieties, many providers will pack seeds according to region to increase the success of their mix. Planting wild flower seeds is so easy, a child can do it, and probably should.

Wild flower seeds are perfect way to introduce young children to flower gardening; they will keep blooming for months, need little replanting the next year, and maintain interest by changing constantly. The more seeds you plant in an area, the denser the color created. A perfect addition to a formal garden, a small section of densely planted wild flowers adds contrast and whimsy. Children love the seeming disorder wild flowers provide in any garden.

When looking to purchase wild flower seeds, acquire your mix from a reputable dealer. You can assist germination by presoaking your seeds. Scatter your seeds over the area you wish planted, scratch them into the soil and water until they send up shoots. That is all you need to do. A well blended mix will have flowers that bloom at different parts of the growing season, giving you visual appeal constantly. Whether you buy wild flower seeds by the ounce or by the pound, they are sure to please.

If you have a meadow you don’t want to have to mow, wild flower seeds are ideal. Scatter them over the surface of the meadow and your seeds will grow to create a perfect habitat for all sorts of animals. Their perennial nature will provide new blooms each year and reduce your reinvestment costs. Easy to care for, inexpensive, and fun, wild flower seeds are a great addition to any garden.

Tag : garden,flower garden,garden decor,wild flower seeds

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Garden pest control is a great way to avoid several lawn pests which can be harmful for the plant population. That is why; there are a lot of people all around the world who choose to do this garden pest control action to save and prevent their lawn and garden from the attack of garden pests.

As your information, paying more attention to both of them will be truly essential to do. By doing this, you would be able to save and prevent your garden and lawn from the attack of the garden pests and create their garden keep beautiful and interesting for long time.

On the other words, you have got to find out what you're doing wrong with your lawn so that the insect pests would truly go away on their own, rather than just having to come up with the pests over and over again. This is can not control and reduce the insect pests because you are not dealing with the crucial and actual underlying problem.

The Product

There are some really terrific and wonderful products available out there that you could use to watch over the pests difficulty in your garden and lawn. Just assure that you're conscious of the problem you are trying to come up with so that you could opt the perfect and the best product for your requirements. Asking to the experts is always becoming a wonderful option for deciding the best products for garden.

Also, there are a lot of kinds of pest control products for garden which can be opted from out there. But, the best and the safest garden pest control product are the organic products. This is really essential, remarkably if you have kids at house because these products don't contain any harsh chemicals which can be very dangerous for the children and also for the orphans.More info here: Pest control Atlanta

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Of numerous greenhouse types, the Dutch-light house is popular for growing tomatoes and all those crops such as winter lettuce which require the maximum amount of light. This type of house is used mostly without heat, though soil warming equipment will enable earlier crops to be grown. The house is usually constructed on a brick base of 3-4 courses and each light, composed of a single sheet of glass, is clipped into position, the sides having a gentle slope to allow for maximum light penetration. Made of aluminium or cedar wood, the house is quickly erected and is equally quickly dismantled to move elsewhere as required. If two bases can be prepared, it will be possible to alternate their planting with tomatoes each year so as to allow the ground beds a period of recuperation from their exposure to the elements. The lights may also be used as frame lights if so desired. With the Crittall-Hope house and others, a sliding door with finger-tip control gives easy access and additional ventilation, whilst wind damage is reduced to a minimum. No glazing is required, the lights being sent out complete and ready for erecting sectionally.

Several makes of the Dutch-light houses are supplied with a portable concrete base which may be laid directly on to the ground and the house erected over the base, there being no need for tedious brick laying. Or the house may he erected on old railway sleepers which, like the concrete blocks, may be moved about the garden if the house is being used to cover various crops growing in the open.

The more conventional greenhouse with a brick or wooden base extending to a height of 1 feet and with glass sides extending for a further 3 feet before meeting the roof, will require less heat to maintain a temperature similar to that of a Dutch-light house and will enable a wider range of horticultural activities to he performed. Tomatoes and cucumbers may be grown at the back, planting them in deep boxes or pots and first training them in an upright direction, then to the top of the roof whilst other crops may be grown at the front of the bench, or seedlings raised for a considerable time when heated and even after turning off the heater, there will be no rapid fall in temperature as there is with air heating. The use of soil warming wires in a heated greenhouse will enable the air temperature to be reduced to a minimum whilst keeping the plants growing by gentle bottom heat. Where a hotbed cannot be made from manure, electric soil warming is a reliable substitute.

For raising seedlings and striking cuttings, a sand propagating frame may be made in a cold greenhouse by using either low voltage or mains warming cables. A wooden box is made with 9 inch boards, the base being covered with felt. Over this is placed a 2 inch layer of washed sand before laying down the warming wires which ;1 re covered with a further 3 inch layer of sand on which the seed boxes or pots are stood; or cuttings (to be rooted) may be inserted directly into the sand. $ watts per square foot of bed should be allowed, whilst a soil thermostat is necessary to control the temperature of the bed.

Tag : garden,gardening,garden decor,garden tree

based around the uses of herbs, both medicinally and culinary. I use a lot of herbs at home and therefore have a fairly overused herb garden. Two of my favourite herbs are Purple Sage, which has so many decorative uses alone and the lovely golden Oregano. As long as you don’t plant golden Oregano in daylong sun, it makes a fantastic plant looking good at the front of borders along with being planted up with other herbs in containers and pots. There’s something quite lovely about herbs being planted in more unusual or vintage styled containers and one of the simplest is to plant up old wooden bulb or fruit crates. Stacked up in a mini terrace, these look lovely by the kitchen door or on the terrace. Remember to use a soil-based compost when planting into containers and give them a weekly feed from March through to September.

You can use purple Sage, Salvia officinalis purpurea, in the same ways as green Sage however the purple variety has the added benefit of keeping its colour when cooked and looks lovely with roasted red onions along with making a great colourful backdrop for roasted joints of pork.

Its fair to say that herbs largely divide into two groups; those which like full sun, such as Rosemary, Sage, Thymes and Tarragon, and those which like a bit of shade during the day such as Rocket, Sorrel, Parsley and other salad type leaf producing plants. The golden Oregano I mentioned earlier prefers some shade during the day or the brilliant golden yellow leaves will scorch. Having said that it’s such a useful little plant, looking stunning with bold colours in hot borders and looking lovely as a loose edge to herb garden paths. It makes a fantastic addition to salads adding a slight spicy hint, and I like to use it chopped up with flat leaved Parsley and Chives when I make potato salads.

Another herb I could not be without is Lemon Balm, Melissa officinalis. I know that many of you may be groaning now thinking how easily it seeds itself around but hear me out; lemon balm has many redeeming quality’s, and not just its use as flavouring for ice-cream. It has been cultivated for over 2000 years first being introduced as a medicinal herb by the Arabs from northern Africa and southern Europe. You can use it in teas as a mild sedative or calming agent. It also has antibacterial and antiviral qualities and in France it is known as a remedy for fatigue, headaches and helping with anxiety and depression. It was also mentioned by Shakespeare in ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’. I grow the variegated form, ‘Aurea’, over the normal green in my garden, there are in fact three species, ‘Aurea’ which has golden blotches irregularly splashed over the leaves, officinalis the green form and ‘All Gold’ the golden form. Lemon balm grows well in partial shade and it tolerates full sun but will not grow as large. Plant in humus rich soils and it will grow up to 80cm in height.
Another plant I couldn’t be without is Atriplex hortensis var. rubra; it’s an annual and seeds prolifically, which I love because it makes its own combinations throughout the garden. In my garden it has quickly spread from the herb garden over into our long borders and has made itself quite at home.

It has lovely dark burgundy ovate leaves, up to 18cm in length, and later in the year stunning hanging seed pods which look like little gems turning from brilliant glossy burgundy to faded gold before falling or blowing away in late October. In the course of the year it can reach up to 2 meters in height. The leaves can be picked and eaten raw in salads, or cooked and treated like spinach. It prefers very light shade and humus rich soils that are free draining to really grow large. More recently, trials have been undertaken in Sweden, as Atriplex is a potential source of Biomass. So far average yields of 14 tonnes per hectare have been achieved so the outlook is promising for further use.

Another herb I grow is Lovage, levisticum officinale, I add it to any stocks I may be making for its fantastic flavouring qualities but I also grow it around the garden because according to folk-lore it improves the health of surrounding plants. I really like umbels in the garden, and flowers of Lovage don’t disappoint being sulphur yellow and appearing in summer. Lovage grows up to 2 meters tall and it prefers partial shade in well-drained soils.
Of course you can’t talk about herbs without including Rosemary. Rosmarinus officinalis, native to the Mediterranean region; I can’t help but be taken straight to rural Italy every time I crush some leaves and breathe the scent in deeply. There are so many uses for Rosemary, that it might be easier to state one use I don’t personally think it is cut out for, making hedges. Rosemary has a habit of dying back or just totally dying during winter, so using is as an alternative to box is not such a good idea in my mind, as you will get patches of die back leaving a messy finish. Saying that, Rosemary can grow up to 2 meters, and when it grows into large specimens like the ones at Sissinghurst Castle, they are stunning in flower stopping you in your tracks. Not bad for a plant which can cost as little as £1.79 or less at nurseries and garden centres. Rosemary prefers full sun in well-drained soils. I really like to use Rosemary on the barbecue; by adding decent size sprigs to the hot coals you can fill the air with its beautiful scent. Naturally its most common use is as a garnish and cooking ingredient for Lamb, but if you ever have a go at making your own tomato sauce, which is very easy, add some Rosemary and take it to another level.

By: Paul Hervey-Brookes

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Tag : gardening,garden center,herbs,cooking,garden decor

So after weighing all the options, plans, and ideas, you’ve decided that the next thing you need to complete your garden is the good old fashioned garden bridge. You’ve built your entire landscaping method around adding a bridge to your backyard, and only fate will keep you from incorporating this into your outdoor paradise. The only problem is you have no idea what your garden bridge needs to be made of. And with so many options out there, who knows what is best for your needs. How can you be sure that you’re getting the best investment for your money?

With the variations in construction of garden bridges out there, the best investment starts with doing the correct homework. Knowing what to expect, combined with where you live and the environmental hazards that go with your new decoration will ensure you’re getting the right thing at the right price.

One of the biggest things to remember is that garden bridges are not as easy to bring in during the winter months as the rest of your outdoor furniture. In some cases, once placed, your decorum becomes one with the land. This is something to consider when debating which one to purchase: not all materials handle the heat, rain, snow, dirt and debris as well as others. Furthermore, some materials are best to handle one situation or climate than others. Think very carefully before moving forward with a plan of action on how this will affect your bridge.

Now that you have debated the elemental problems that will plague your garden bridge, its time to consider the attack from below – how bugs will affect the use and life of your garden bridge. That’s right – bugs. Unlike the rest of your patio furniture, garden bridges spend their life attached directly to the ground, offering a home for pests of all seasons. Be careful of termites and other pests making a nice nest out of your garden bridge, as it will eventually be a health and safety hazard to your friends and family, and destroying the long life of a decoration you thought you would cherish for years to come.

With the weather and indigenous pests in mind, it is now time to consider what you want your garden bridge to be made out of. Three of the most popular choices of materials include cypress, cedar, and plastics. Cypress and cedar bridges give the charm and warmth that only wooden bridges can – they bring back memories of a simpler time, when trains and carriages crossed covered wooden bridges. These are excellent choices as well because of their density, the hardness of the woods, and their natural resistance to pests. Both cypress and cedar can withstand the harsh elements, and bring you joy throughout the year. Meanwhile, bridges made of plastics can last just as long, and guarantee you will not be dealing with a pest problem anytime soon. Made of recycled and synthetic materials, plastics will make sure you will be getting the best of your investment for years to come.

While getting a garden bridge seems like one of the hardest investments you will make, knowing what goes in them, and why they are a good choice for your home does not. A little homework on the right stuff will make your investment go a long way.

Tag : garden,garden bridge,tropical garden,garden landscape

If your garden is not attacked by the pests, the gardening is easy. In fact, the gardening is not easy. There are a lot of factors that will harmful your garden. The most important factor is the pests.

The pests may be prevented by the garden cleanliness. Like the human, they will protect the illness by the healthful conditions.

You should to plan about “How to keeping the pests down?”. The earthworms will stir up the soil. This makes the soil to contact the water and air for all times. The insect is the best feed of the bird. Some insects will harmful the other insects, too. The toads are the wonderful insect hunter. They will eat a lot of small insects all day. They are the best friend of your garden.

You should try to change your garden to the attractive garden for the birds and toads. You must have the bird house, the water place and the sprinkle in your garden especially in spring. The bird will stay in your garden. In the hot summer, the toads will rest in the cool shadow in day time and they will ready to hunt in the night time. You need to help the toads by set up the suitable place for them. Putting the vary size of stones under the shade or in the cool and damp area is the good idea. The toads like in live in the dark, cool, quiet and damp area.

If we classified the insect class by the working of them, there are 2 kinds of the insects.

The first kind is the insect who gnaw at the plant. They will use the fit mouth like the grasshoppers and caterpillars.

The second kind is the insect who suck the juice from the plant like the plant lice. Their work is similar to the mosquito work. The mosquito will prey on the people. If there is a lot of this insect type on the plant, the plant will die by the sucking.

The certain insecticide is directly attacking the insects. It is sprayed on the plants. It will fall upon the insects. So they will die by the absorption of the poison into the body.

If your garden is attacked by the underground insects, the ant hills will covered your garden. This is the good idea. But you should be careful about the undesired problems.

The plant lice are the most common insect. The colors of the plant lice are red, yellow, green or brown. But most of them are green. They will suck the plant by cling close to the part of the plant. It is not too hard to find them.

The rose bushes are attacked by the rose slugs. Their characteristics are the soft bodies; the body’s color is green and yellow. They eat all the leaves of the rose.

The melons and squash leaves are damaged by the beetles. They eat the leaves by left the holes in it. The color of the beetle’s back is black with yellow stripes. The tomato worm is the common pest in the vegetable garden. It will eat the young fruits. It is the yellow and green worm.

Tag : garden,garden pests,garden decor,garden plants,home and garden

Many tools are essential for gardening properly and achieving great results with plants, trees, fruit trees and vegetable.

Some of the tools that can be use is an efficient rake to pulverise the soil to make a seed bed and to make drills for seed sowing will be a necessity. It should have at least 12 teeth, preferably 14 or 16, to enable the work to be done more quickly. A series of hoes, including the Dutch type, a draw hoe and a scuffle hoe will also be an essential part of the equipment. Important, too, is a good trowel for planting and here, too, this should be of stainless steel to make for easier handling. Where working in damp soil, it will not be necessary to repeatedly clean the trowel if the blade is made of shining stainless steel. After use, wipe it clean with an oily cloth.

To use amongst plants which are growing closely together, a hand hoc will be useful. Generally known as an onion hoe, the head is 3-4 inches wide and the handle about 9 inches in length. It may also he used to thin out turnips, beetroot and other plants which may be growing close together in the rows. Wilkinson's hoe is a long-handled tool which functions in the same way. being a combination of a scuffler and a hoe.

A good tool rack is an integral part of one's kit. It should be fastened to the wall of a shed or outhouse, about 6 feet above the ground and here, the tools should always be placed at the end of the day after being cleaned and maintained in working order. There will then be no need to waste valuable time in looking for a certain tool, whilst all the tools will he kept in a clean and efficient condition.

An inexpensive tool for planting potatoes (and bulbs) is the B-B planter which is hand operated by two arms between which is a metal container to hold a potato or large bulb. The container has a sharp under-edge which allows it to be pressed into the ground, the potato or bulb being released by closing the arms together and withdrawing the implement.

No vegetable garden will be complete without a good barrow or truck which will be in constant use to move corn posts and fertilisers, harvested crops, pot plants and canes. It will save much hard work for otherwise everything must be moved by hand. An all-steel barrow is more durable though lighter to use than a wooden barrow. Fitted with a single rubber-tyred wheel and constructed of a strong tubular frame with a riveted and welded body of heavy gauge steel sheeting, the barrow has a 3 cubic feet capacity and is easily moved about the garden.

For any gardener who enjoys working with their plants, a greenhouse is a welcome addition to expand their hobby. Greenhouse gardening can be as intensive or as low-key as you want it to be, depending on how much gardening you do and how much money you want to invest in the hobby. Serious gardeners wishing to expand their interest into greenhouse gardening may opt for a permanent structure in their backyard, possibly something that incorporates a cement foundation, integrated doors and windows, and an auto-venting system for temperature control. On the other end of the spectrum, we have the beginning gardener or hobby horticulturist who wishes to cultivate plants indoors during the winter months or start seeds indoors in the spring for a head start on the summer growing season. This more basic form of greenhouse gardening will be our focus for this article.

Basic greenhouse gardening usually begins indoors with a temporary structure that can be set up when it's needed and taken down when it's not. An inexpensive shelving kit will work well for this purpose, provided you have space to set it up. Other structures could be a tabletop that's not in use or an old workbench. If you are purchasing something new for the purpose of indoor gardening, look for a structure that's lightweight and that can be easily disassembled for storage. Consider buying plastic, if you have the option, so that you can easily wipe away any dirt or water that accumulates.

Next, you'll need to look around your home and determine where the shelf or table will be placed. If you have a sunny window that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily, this is ideal. Warm, sunny bay windows facing the west or south will usually meet the criteria. If you don't have such a window, then you'll need to consider using a grow light. This will require a special light bulb that gives off a full spectrum of light similar to the sun's rays. While the light cast from these bulbs certainly won't look like natural sunlight to your eyes, to the plants, it is virtually the same. Grow lights can usually be purchased quite inexpensively from home improvement stores or garden centers, and can then be screwed into your own light fixture at home.

When setting up a grow light, it's important to suspend the light as close as possible to the plants. Particularly if you are using the light to start seeds, you'll want to place the light within an inch or two of the seedlings themselves. If you place the light too far away, the seedlings will grow tall and spindly instead of strong and stocky.

An indoor greenhouse can feature a vinyl cover to help retain heat or moisture, or you can simply use the indoor environment of your home as the greenhouse environment. Ideal temperatures will range from 75 to 85 degrees, so choose a room of your house that is warmer than others. If you're using a grow light instead of a sunny window, you won't be as limited to the possible locations you can choose from your plants. If you're using a grow light and trying to determine a warm location in your house, consider an upstairs room and/or a high up location in the room, vertically speaking, such as on top of a high shelf or a tall cabinet. Heat rises, so the highest place in your home should also be the one with the highest temperature.

If you're a beginning gardener interested in greenhouse gardening, don't be intimidated to give it a try. Getting started indoors is easy and doesn't cost a lot of money. With a little time and a minimal investment, you can expand your gardening hobby, grow more plants, and give your green thumb a workout during cooler months!

In the market for a comfortable seating selection for your outdoor space, yet want something a little different from what everyone else has? Then, a fantastic option for you are relaxing garden benches, perfect for any deck, porch, or patio area.

For quite some time, garden benches could only be found in the garden and nowhere else, but over the years people have started to realize that they are actually a great choice for any space. Take your deck area for example, they would be a nice alternative seating option to single chairs sitting side by side, a group of party goers with a nice place to sit during those summer get-togethers. Another great option that you cut put one is on your front porch area, which would provide you, and the one you love, a nice spot to rest and enjoy the sights and sounds of the outdoors after that walk you take every evening. Other great places to you could put one include on the side of your house as a nice way to break of the empty, dead space, in your lawn area for a wonderful place to take a break during those lawn activities, and you could even put one indoors, like in your home foyer or entryway, as a lovely place to put on and take off shoes. Really, one would work well in any setting.

The reason behind why garden benches are such spectacular seating options for so many different areas is because of their fabulous design. This design will generally feature a spacious seating around, that will sometimes be curved or slanted, and may or may not have a backrest and armrests to match depending upon which model you end up purchasing. To make your selection even more comfortable than it already is, just buy a plush cushion for yours and one of the best options out there are Sunbrella Cushions, which are tremendously resistant to the weather.

Along with their high level of comfort, garden benches are also very appealing to the eye and can really add to the overall look of your space. They get that appealing look from the many lovely materials that they can be fashioned out of. Some of the better options include woods like Alder, Northern White Cedar, Western Red Cedar, Southern Cypress, Redwood, Meranti, and Teak along with manmade selections like resin and recycled plastic. Each material has a very eye-catching appearance and these materials are also very durable and make for sturdy selections that will stand the test of time in most outdoor settings.

So, if you are in the market for a relaxing place to take it easy, then a fabulous outdoor furnishing for you are garden benches. One would be a fantastic addition to any deck, porch, or patio area. To find the perfect one for your space, just log onto the world wide web and do some online shopping. It is fast and in no time at all, you will be sitting on your brand new seating selection, enjoying the beautiful outdoor weather.

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